

推荐 时间:2023-06-06




This stanza comes from the worker"s big strike of American Chicago.On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike, many ten thousand workerses pass by hard of bloodshed conflict, acquired the victory finally.For memorial this time the socialist that the worker"s one who exercise, July 14 in 1889, from all countries Marxist call represents the conference, Parisian solemn and impressive open in France.On the conference, attend meeting to represent the consistent approval:Common festival that May 1 settles for the international proletariat.This resolution gets the international community, the worker responds to actively.On May 1 in 1890, the working class of Euro-American all countries leads off to go into the street, holding the grand demonstration and holding a meeting, fighting for the legal rights.From now on, every time round this international community labors the people to all want the catcall, parade, to show to celebrate.



51年,中华人民共和国教育部、中华全国总工会共同商定,将教师节与"五一"国际劳动节合并.“9·10”. 85.1.21,六届全国人大第九次会议正式教师节的议案,决定9.10【五一劳动节的由来100字】


内容要长,能有多长就有多长,上千字也行!是介绍五一节由来的、它的意义、作用!上英语科时我们要做daily report的!


May 1st,International Workers" Day,commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world,and is recognized in most countries.The United States of America and Canada are among the exceptions.This despite the fact that the holiday began in the 1880s in the USA,linked to the battle for the eight-hour day,and the Chicago anarchists.
The struggle for the eight-hour day began in the 1860s.In 1884,the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada,organized in 1881 (and changing its name in 1886 to American Federation of Labor ) passed a resolution which asserted that "eight hours shall constitute a legal day"s work from and after May 1,1886,and that we recommend to labor organizations throughout this district that they so direct their laws as to conform to this resolution".The following year the Federation repeated the declaration that an eight-hour system was to go into effect on May 1,1886.With workers being forced to work ten,twelve,and fourteen hours a day,support for the eight-hour movement grew rapidly.In the months prior to May 1,1886,thousands of workers,organized and unorganized,members of the organization Knights of Labor and of the federation,were drawn into the struggle.Chicago was the main center of the agitation for a shorter day.The anarchists were in the forefront of the Central Labor Union of Chicago ,which consisted of 22 unions in 1886,among them the seven largest in the city.
During the Railroad strikes of 1877,the workers had been violently attacked by the police and the United States Army.A similar tactic of state terrorism was prepared by the bureaucracy to fight the eight-hour movement.The police and National Guard were increased in size and received new and powerful weapons financed by local business leaders.Chicago"s Commercial Club purchased a $2000 machine gun for the Illinois National Guard to be used against strikers.Nevertheless,by May 1st,the movement had already won gains for many Chicago workers.But on May 3,1886,police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McCormick Harvester Machine Company,killing at least one striker,seriously wounding five or six others,and injuring an undetermined number.Anarchists called for a mass meeting the next day in Haymarket Square to protest the brutality.
The meeting proceeded without incident,and by the time the last speaker was on the platform,the rainy gathering was already breaking up,with only about two hundred people remaining.It was then a police column of 180 men marched into the square and ordered the meeting to disperse.At the end of the meeting a bomb was thrown at the police,killing one instantly,six others died later.About seventy police officers were wounded.Police responded by firing into the crowd.How many civilians were wounded or killed from police bullits never was ascertained exactly.Although it was never determined who threw the bomb,the incident was used as an excuse to attack anarchists and the labor movement in general.Police ransacked the homes and offices of suspected radicals,and hundreds were arrested without charge.A reign of police terror swept over Chicago.Staging "raids" in the working-class districts,the police rounded up all known anarchists and other socialists."Make the raids first and look up the law afterward!" publicly counseled the state"s attorney.
Anarchists in particular were harassed,and eight of Chicago"s most active were charged with conspiracy to murder in connection with the Haymarket bombing.A kangaroo court found all eight guilty,despite a lack of evidence connecting any of them to the bomb-thrower,and they were sentenced to die.In October 9,1886,the weekly journal Knights of Labor published in Chicago,carried on page 1 the following announcement:"Next week we begin the publication of the lives of the anarchists advertised in another column." The advertisement,carried on page 14,read:"The story of the anarchists,told by themselves; Parsons,Spies,Fielden,Schwab,Fischer,Lingg,Engle,Neebe.The only true history of the men who claim that they are condemned to suffer death for exercising the right of Free Speech:Their association with Labor,Socialistic and Anarchistic Societies,their views as to the aims and objects of these organizations,and how they expect to accomplish them; also their connection with the Chicago Haymarket Affair.Each man is the author of his own story,which will appear only in the "Knights of Labor" during the next three months,- the great labor paper of the United States,a 16-page weekly paper,containing all the latest foreign and domestic labor news of the day,stories,household hints,etc.A co-operative paper owned and controlled by members of the Knights of Labor,and furnished for the small sum of $1.00 per annum .Adress all communications to Knights of Labor Publishing Company,163 Washington St.,Chicago,Ill." Later this journal and the paper Alarm published the autobiographies of the Haymarket men.
Albert Parsons,August Spies,Adolf Fischer and George Engel were hanged on November 11,1887.Louis Lingg committed suicide in prison.The authorities turned over the bodies to friends for burial,and one of the largest funeral processions in Chicago history was held.It was estimated that between 150,000 to 500,000 persons lined the route taken by the funeral cortege of the Haymarket martyrs.A monument to the executed men was unveiled June 25,1893 at Waldheim Cemetery in Chicago.The remaining three,Samuel Fielden,Oscar Neebe and Michael Schwab,were finally pardoned in 1893.
On June 26,1893,the governor of Illinois,John Peter Altgeld,issued the pardon message in which he made it clear that he was not granting the pardon because he believed that the men had suffered enough,but because they were innocent of the crime for which they had been tried,and that they and the hanged men had been the victims of hysteria,packed juries and a biased judge.He noted that the defendants were not proven guilty because the state "has never discovered who it was that threw the bomb which killed the policeman,and the evidence does not show any connection whatsoever between the defendants and the man who threw it."
It is not surprising that the state,business leaders,mainstream union officials,and the media would want to hide the true history of May Day.In its attempt to erase the history and significance of May Day,the United States government declared May 1st to be "Law Day",and gave the workers instead Labor Day,the first Monday of September - a holiday devoid of any historical significance.
Nevertheless,rather than suppressing the labor and anarchist movements,the events of 1886 and the execution of the Chicago anarchists,spokesmen of the movement for the eight-hour day,mobilized many generations of radicals.Emma Goldman,a young immigrant at the time,later pointed to the Haymarket affair as her political birth.Instead of disappearing,the anarchist movement only grew in the wake of Haymarket.
As workers,we must recognize and commemorate May Day not only for it"s historical significance,but also as a time to organize around issues of vital importance to the working-class,i.e.the people,of today.





为迎接“五一”劳动节,某学校七年级有100名同学,部分老师参加文艺会演.同学们热情高涨,都提前来到会场.有一位细心的同学观察到:老师们到会是,都与第一排的同学一一握手,向同学们问好,其中第一个到会的老师与第一排的全部同学握手,第二个到会的老师只差1各同学没有握过手 ,第三个到会的老师只差2个同学没有握过手.如此,最后一个到会的老师与9个同学握过手.已知老师与前排的同学共20人.你能算出到会的老师和同学各有多少人?

方程式 Y-9






我国儿童节,早期为每年的4月4日,是1931年根据中华慈幼协会的建议设立的.新中国成立后,劳动人民成为国家的主人,广大少年儿童也成了国家的小主人,为了培养广大儿童的国际主义思想,1949年12月,中央人民政府政务院发出通令,废除旧的“4·4”儿童节,将6月1日作为我国的儿童节.与“六一”国际儿童节统一起来.从此,每年的这一天,全国少年儿童都要举行各种活动,欢庆自己的节日.许多公共娱乐场所特地为孩子们免费开放,各机关、团体、企业在这天还向本单位职工的子女和幼儿园的小朋友馈赠礼物,这是孩子们最愉快的一天. 五一国际劳动节 1886年5月1日芝加哥的20多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而斗争,终于获得了胜利.为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克 思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会在法国巴黎隆重开幕.大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日.
这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应.1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头争取合法权益.从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要庆祝. 你自己看看是不是你需要的,希望“推荐”哦










