

实用知识 时间:2020-04-23


人才资讯网英语资源频道为大家整理的双语新闻报道:5个超实用的约会指南,供大家阅读参考。 I used to be so shy that speaking to girls made me break out in a sweat. It was so bad that if I as much as opened my mouth to say, “Hi,” my vocal pitch went up several octaves. As you can imagine, this didn’t exactly help me woo the ladies   过去的我非常害羞,跟女孩子说话我都紧张到冒汗。非常糟糕的是,如果我尽量多开口向女孩子打招呼,在“嗨!”这个词的发音上,我的音调升高了好几个八度。可以想象,这无助于我追求女士。   My troubles were a symptom of a common problem shared by many guys like you: I wasn’t confident in myself. Know the feeling? Let’s give your confidence (and dating life) a helpful shove in the right direction. This is how to ask a girl out and get a yes (almost) every time.   我的麻烦正如许多人分享出来的共同问题,可能你也遇到过:我对自己不够自信,了解这种感觉吗?让我们在增强你的自信(以及你的约会生活)方面朝正确方向引导一下并助你一臂之力。   1. Ground Rules   基本规则   1) Your Posture Should Scream Confidence   摆正身姿增强自信   Most men guarantee a rejection before they even open their mouth because their appearance does not express confidence. Here are some simple cues to help you remember the do’s and don’ts of posture.   大部分男性甚至在开口约会之前就绝对会被拒,因为他们的外在姿势表现得不够自信。下面一些简单的提示帮助你记住该摆的姿势和不该摆的姿势。   Do not: 不要   Stare at the ground 低头盯着地面看 Cross your legs/arms 胳膊/腿呈交叉姿势   Slump your shoulders 肩部向下耷拉 Fidget 坐立不安   Do: 要   Keep your chin up 仰首挺胸 Gaze forward 目视前方   Shoulders down and back 肩部向后挺直 Chest high 挺胸收腹   When in doubt, think about how much space you are taking up. Is it a lot, or a little? If you’re not taking up much space, it’s possible you are curled up in a sad little ball (which just doesn’t make you look confident). Take up as much space with your body as you can to reflect that you are comfortable in your body.   对自己的姿势不确定的时候,想想自己占了多大空间,占的空间大还是小?如果你占的空间不大,可能是你把自己缩成一团的状态(让你看起来显得不够自信)。你的身体尽量多占空间说明你的身体处于一种很舒服的状态.   2) The Clothes Make the Man   人靠衣装马靠鞍   No, you don’t have to be donned in a freshly tailored suit when you ask a girl out. But that doesn’t mean you should look like a slob either. Dress in whatever style fits your personality, but keep it classy. No wrinkled tees, dirty shoes, or other fashion disasters allowed. Don’t sweat the specifics, but whatever you do, dress like the handsome and polished fella you are.   不,你不必在与女孩约会时非得穿新的定制西装,但也不要穿得像个懒汉。穿适合自己个性风格的衣服又要保持优雅的穿衣风格。不能穿皱巴巴的T恤、脏兮兮的鞋子或其他毁掉时尚的衣服。不要刻意打扮,但无论你穿什么,都要把自己打扮得有英俊潇洒小伙子的范儿。   2. Gauging Interest   衡量兴趣   1) Engage Eye Contact   眼神接触   If a coffeehouse cutie catches your eye, shoot a few harmless glances in her direction. Linger for a brief moment before turning your attention elsewhere, but don’t voyage beyond the five second mark unless you want to be labeled a creeper. If she returns your gaze with a smile, this is a good sign that the feeling might be mutual.   如果咖啡馆美女吸引了你的眼球,朝她友好地瞄几眼,停留片刻多看几眼,但不要超出五秒,否则会被贴上一个大色狼的标签。如果她对你回眸一笑,这是个好兆头,这种感觉可能是相互的。   2) Do Not Confuse Kindness with Attraction   善良和吸引力不要混为一谈   Just because a woman smiles at or talks to you, does not mean she wants to take your friendship to the next level, so don’t get your hopes up without good reason. Not sure if a friend likes you or not? Ask her out and if she says, “What, like a date?” reply, “Yes!” without hesitation. Confidence is sexy (and even if she says, “No,” at least you’ll know for sure).   仅仅因为一位女性对你微笑或和你说话,并不代表她想要把你们的朋友关系发展到下一步,所以没有充分的理由不要抱太大的希望。如果不确定人家喜不喜欢你,那你就可以约她出来,如果她说,“怎么,是约会的那种么?”你就不要犹豫回答:“是的!”自信是很性感的(即使她拒绝,至少你会得到确定性的答复)。

