

外语培训 时间:2022-03-31



enquiry n. 询盘,询购

  offer n.v. 报价,报盘

  order n.v. 订购,订单

  complicate v. 使复杂化

  to ask for 请求 ;要价

  to be liable to 易于——的

  to put aside 放在一边

  facsimile (fax) n.v. 传真,发传真

  on the web 在互连网上

  E-commerce 电子商务

  pompous a. 浮夸的

  beg to acknowledge receipt of 承认受到

  inst. (=this month)本月

  clear one′s account 结帐

  as a result 所以

  trace v. 跟踪,查询

  in connection with 与————有关

  indebtedness n.负债

  balance n. 收付差额,余额

  illustrated catalog 附有插图的目录

  if possible 如有可能

  time of delivery 交货期

  delivery n.交货

  firm n.公司,商号

  standing n. 信誉

  reliability n.可靠

  approach vt.与——联系

  enter into business relations with 与——建立业务关系

  catalog n.(商品目录)

  pamphlet n.小册子

  for your reference 供你参考

  in the meantime 与此同时

  transaction n.交易

